2022 – Being Selfish for Others

I’ve written my 2022 Goals, set my intentions and am putting into practice all the things I said I would do. Being selfish for others is at the top of the list.

Like most people, I’ve written my 2022 Goals, set my intentions and am putting into practice all the things I said I would do. Being selfish for others is at the top of that list.

I’ve been more productive in the first few days of the year than all of December 2021. Well, except for getting back in the gym. That one’s going to take some time. There are clients to communicate with, and all those errands that have to be done, and the social content I need to post, and the dog that needs attention, and it’s winter in Maine (brrrr)…and….and….

But you see, when I put aside my personal growth and personal well-being, how can I expect to be there for you, or my friends, or anyone close to me? I can’t.

So for 2022, I am making “Me” a priority which, in turn, will allow me to be there for you. At the end of all of this (whatever THIS is) what we are left with is a record of how we made those around us feel.

And I want you to feel amazing.


How do we start being selfish for others?

We make others feel amazing by taking care of ourselves, physically and mentally. We meditate. And exercise. We shut off devices and engage meaningfully with those right in front of us. We spend good, quality time with our loved ones. We take time to quiet our minds, eat properly, hydrate, and get enough rest. We remain curious and in a state of constant wonder at the world around us. We create. We love. We risk comfort for glory. Most importantly, we come to peace with ourselves. THAT energy transfers to those around us and improves us all.

But how does all of that help me get back into the gym? It doesn’t. Truth be told, I’ve had a deep love/hate relationship with formalized gyms. Just the thought of walking into one brings up fear of ridicule, feelings of being disappointed that I am out of shape, and 1000 other self-defeating thoughts.

But if physical fitness is important to me, how do I make progress?

By having a little grace with myself and turning fitness into something I am excited about. The FEELING is what drives the subconscious to make the conscious part of lives take shape. We create what we feel. So through at-home workouts, yoga, walking the dog, snowboarding, and remembering to get out of this chair every once in a while, I FEEL like I am already moving past my limiting beliefs. And that gets me excited to begin creating for YOU.


What does any of this have to do with photography?!?

A portrait experience at Stonetree Creative is all about Connection. I help you connect with the parts of yourself that are scared to be photographed but that are brave enough to move forward. I help you see yourself as beautiful (because you are!) even on a day when you don’t feel it. I help you create images that bring you feelings of joy, hope, laughter, pride, and love. We can dive deep into your fears, or elevate you to a new level of glamorous. But the Connection is where it all happens.

If I’m not at my best, how can I expect that of you?

So I invite you to be a little selfish this year and make sure that you hold space for all of those parts of you that need more attention. Let’s share our victories and setbacks and vulnerabilities. Let’s focus on small incremental steps towards growth. And let’s rediscover why we are perfect in our imperfection.

Because when we do that, together, you and I will make something great.

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